It’s that time again… time for another Prezi! This is our second to last word family this year, so there will only be one more after this one (the -ay word family). Click the picture to take you there!
If you haven’t seen my other Prezis yet, click the picture below to check them out!
Jessica, that font is too cute! Did you create it with white bugs or was it pre-made? I'd love to have that font on my computer! You did an excellent job, as always! Prezi is the bomb!
Miss A's Kindergarten
It really is the bomb! I got the font from
I fell in love with it when I saw it and knew it had to be the basis for my -ug Prezi!
I love Prezi! I learned about it when I was getting my Master's degree. It is so much fun, but I forget to use it as often as I should.
I'm your newest follower!
First with Franklin
It really is a ton of fun! I got into the habit of using it for our word families this year… it worked out so well since the kids could practice/reinforce the word families from home using the Prezis!
I thought I followed your blog already since I've stopped by it before, but I realized I was just hopping to it but not officially a follower… Oops! I'm now following you as well!