In case you haven’t done so yet, be sure to download my free Dolch Pre-Primer Sight Word Uno game! It’s one of my students’ favorite games to play!
The game has a full color version, and a version that uses less color ink! Click any of the pictures above to take you to my TPT store to download it!
The cards for the other Dolch words are also available, for $2 each. Check them out here.
I also just updated my writing set, below… click the picture to check it out!
This post is linked up with Mrs. H’s Resource Room and Manic Monday!

If you’re coming here from Classroom Freebies, welcome! Find my other freebies here!
Love it!!!
Thanks for sharing!!
No problem! I hope you can get some use out of it!
I have just pinned this on Pinterest and the amount of repinning that has been done in the last 20 minutes is amazing! Way to go on the game!!!
I'm so glad everyone likes it!
I love this version of Uno! Too fun! I just linked up with Manic Monday too! So exciting! I just hit the big 100 followers today and am planning a great giveaway for later this week. Stop by and check it out!
Congratulations! I know I'm a bit late on the giveaway, but I'm going to head by your blog to check everything else out!
Congrats on getting over 100! I noticed after I posted. You flew right by!
I heart your idea! Thank you for sharing! P.S. I am your newest follower!
I Heart My Kinder Kids
Thank you! I'll be sure to check out your blog as well!
LOVE this! Would you consider making an alphabet version?
Great idea! I actually have an alphabet version at my TPT store:
Thanks! That is perfect! 🙂
Just stumbled upon this and love it. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂
very nice blog