Before I write up today’s technology Tuesday post, I want to take a moment to reflect on life in general. As many of you know, I lost my Grandma Vicky less than two weeks ago. I spent a lot of time reflecting on our time together and I can truly say that I was fortunate to have such a loving grandmother who was and is such an important part of my life.
I truly miss her more than words can say.

A week after finding out that my Grandma passed, I found out that my ex-boyfriend had passed as well. He was only 25. Though he and I grew apart and haven’t spoken for years, I truly wished only the best for him. He was my first “love” and he has always had a special place in my heart. As much as I was left speechless by my Grandma’s death, I am having just as hard of a time finding the words to express my deepest sympathies and regrets for his death as well.
I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, but I can never find or explain the reasons why we have to lose the ones we love. It truly breaks your heart and makes you question the world. I’ve honestly felt like nothing has been going right lately. As hard as it is, I keep reminding myself of something my mom told me once:
As hard as it is to cope with lose and to cope with change, I know I am fortunate for the relationships that I have had and that there are so many more who are going through worse. As hard as things are to cope with or manage, we somehow need to put one foot in front of the other and try to move on. To the same idea, I found this other quote on pinterest and I really like it:
The past week and a half, I have spent a good amount of time crying and a lot of time reminiscing. Fortunately I’m surrounded by supportive family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and followers who have put up with my distance and my ramblings. So for now, my rambling will cease for the time being and I’ll put one foot in front of the other. Perhaps getting myself back on track with my blog and my life will help ease the pain.
This two week long poll had a lot of votes, and the winner was the most recent addition to the poll… how to find out a Microsoft Word document’s reading level. This tutorial is actually SUPER EASY!!!

And here is the incredibly easy tutorial!!!

Sorry to hear about you loss. Change due to loss of people you care/ used to care about is always tough. Time heals all wounds.
Thanks for sharing the tutorial.
I'm thinking of you through this tough time! You have left your readers with some great quotes to ponder.
We are ALL Special!
You are in my prayers as you try to cope with your losses…. Thanks for this tutorial…in all the years I've used Word, I never knew that was there!!
I'm thinking of you, and sending healing thoughts and prayers for your heart. I also have to say, thank you so much for this tutorial. Wow! I had no idea that you could use Microsoft Word to check readability level! Thank you!
Tanya ☺
First Grade is Fantabulous!