Back in April I started to make these adorable race car centers for the common core standards but I never finished them! So today I made it my goal to finish them… and I did!
There are five ELA centers:
- Phonics Bingo (Beginning Sounds) (CCS.K.RF.3ab, CCS:K.RF.1d)
- Middle Vowel Drivers (Middle Vowel Sounds in CVC words) (CCS:K.RF.2d, CCS:K.RF.3ab, CCS:1.RF.2c)
- Race Through a Word (Reading CVC & CVCe Words) (CCS:K.RF.2cd, CCS.K.RF.3ab, CCS:1.RF.2b, CCS:1.RF.3bc)
- Digraphs Keys (Beginning Digraphs sh, ch, wh, and th) (CCS:1.RF.3a)
- Race to Read Words (Pre-Primer, Primer, and 1st Grade Dolch Words) (CCS:K.RF.1ab CCS:K.RF.3cd, CCS:1.RF.3g)
Math Centers:
- Race for More and Less (Comparing groups of objects to 20) (CCS:K.CC.4abc CCS:K.CC.5, CCS:K.CC.6, CCS:K.NBT.1 CCS:1.NBT.2ab)
- Road War (More and Less Using Numbers) (CCS.K.CC.4c, CCS:K.CC.6, CCS:K.CC.7, CCS:1.NBT.2ab, CCS:K.NBT.3
All the centers are available in color and black and white! 🙂
- Skip Counting Race (Skip Counting by 10s, 5s, and 2s) (CCS:K.CC.1, CCS.1.NBT.2ac)
- Time to Write the Room! (Time to the Hour and Half Hour) (CCS:1.MD.3)
- Steering Wheel Addition (Adding Numbers to 20) (CCS:K.OA.1, CCS:K.OA.2, CCS:K.OA.5, CCS:1.OA.5, CCS:1.OA.6)
I had such a fun time making these I can’t wait to print them out and laminate them!
Now, of course, here’s a freebie for my followers… one of the games from the set!!! Click the picture below to download the game in color and black and white!
Note: This freebie is hosted on Google Docs. Once you open the file, click File > Download to save onto your computer!
And let’s do a quick flash giveaway!
Can you guess which book I just started to read that I am loving?
I’ll give you one hint: it’s not a teaching book!
The first two people to get it right will win the whole set! Be sure to leave your email address!
Thanks to everyone who entered! The book(s) I’m currently reading is the Hunger Games Trilogy! I finished the first one in two days and I’m on the second one now. I was so nervous that they’d be gory but they’re not at all!

Congrats to Tanya at First Grade is Fantabulous! and Deneise McGowan for being the first two people to guess correctly! I’ll be sending you the file soon!
50 Shades????
It's actually not fifty shades! It's a bit older than that!
Love all the racing stuff too, by the way! I just downloaded your freebie and can't wait to use it! Thanks!!
No problem! I love how they all came out! 🙂
Aw man! I was gonna guess Fift Shades too!!!!
I think I'm late, but just in case…
The Hands-On Teacher in First!
Good guess but it's not fifty shades!
Are you reading The Help? It's still on my "to read" stack.
mrsjprince (at) gmail (dot)com
Hunger Games?
☺ Tanya
First Grade is Fantabulous!
Yes it is! I'm really liking it!
Hunger Games
Absolutely! It's such a good series!
The Help?
Great post!!! 🙂
A. Smith
Innovative Connections
Since you said it's old I'm going to guess the Harry Potter series.
The Art of Racing in the Rain???
Love your ideas!
The Help?
1,000 GIFTS
Divergent by Veronica Ross? I am just starting the 2nd book in the trilogy.
I loved this series….I think she should read these books next. The bad news is book 3 won't be out for a while. Savor it while you can. I actually liked them better than the Hunger Games.
Matched? or Crossed? that series by Allie Condie?
Learning With Susie Q
Like water for Elephants
Thanks everyone for joining up for my flash giveaway! I'm going to add all of your recommendations to my list of books to read! 🙂
Thanks for the freebie!!
Thanks for sharing. i really appreciate it that you shared with us such a informative post..
Aussie Racing Cars