There are so many fabulous linky parties out there right now! I just came across this one:
What a fabulous idea!
There are millions of moments I could choose from, but I’m going to stick with one that is near and dear to my heart, and one that I actually have on video tape! I obviously can’t post it, but it is ten times more amazing to hear the boy’s voice while he said it!
At centers, playing my sight words Uno game, one of the students who was sitting at my center group just looked up at me and said:
Student: Are you good at everything?!
Me: What!?
Student: I asked, are you good at everything?!
~~~I obviously grabbed my camera and started recording at this point!~~~
Me: What did you just ask me?
Student: You’re good at everything!
Me: Thanks! But what did you just ask me?
Student: Are you a superhero or something? Yeah, you must be a Superhero! Supergirl!
Gotta love it! I still look back at it and laugh to this day!
Soo cute! Kids say the funniest stuff.
They really do! I think if we wrote down all of them we'd have a best selling novel on our hands!
Thanks for linking up. I am glad that you enjoyed this linky. I was hoping I would get some people on board. Kids sure do say some of the funniest/cutest things. Your kiddo is something else 🙂
My (Not So) Elementary Life
They really do… and this kid is really something else! He also told me that the dinosaurs should have hibernated so that they wouldn't become extinct! Genius!
Honestly, I am thinking you are a superhero as well. I have just spent the better part of my Sunday perusing EVERYTHING in your blog and LUSTING after all of your incredible skills. YOU are one talented teacher. How I would LOVE to sit down with you for a couple of hours to have you mentor me through how you put together your Prezis. They REALLY are genius. I am going to teach an all boys first grade next year, and I want to incorporate EVERYTHING that I can with a STEM sort of twist to this is such a PERFECT tool. I hope to not be a bother, but I may be contacting you for help and guidance. Thanks for all you do!!
Oh my goodness! This is the most touching blog comment ever! Please do contact me about Prezi and whatever else, I love to help out in any way I can!
Love it! I swear we need to keep a notebook to write them all down! We could make millions 🙂
Jessica Stanford
Mrs. Stanford's Class Blog is Having a Giveaway!
My TpT Store
Yes! Let's do it! We can make it a series… we can do day-by-day calendars, t-shirts, posters, and coffee cups! It would be genius!
That is so cute!!! Students are usually not wrong when it comes to that type of stuff, so you must actually be Supergirl!
LOL yes kids can always spot a "real" superhero when they see one, right!? Then again, they all thought the digital handwriting fairy that I made was real so I'm not so sure they're experts! But it was the best compliment!
It's moments like these that make up for the little report card windows, countless IEPs, and those all-around tough days. Yup . . . it's so good to be a teacher 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing. You made my night. Pop in for a visit if you find a second.
Kelley Dolling
Teacher Idea Factory
It's so true. Anytime I feel stressed or overwhelmed, I can always rely on my kids to say something silly to make everything go away… at least for a moment!
How sweet!! That is one to treasure forever!! It must feel great to be a superhero. 😉
Yes it is! Haha! Gotta love kids!
That is precious. I've already posted my memory to this linky but I might have a new one. Today was our last day and one of my little boys said, "I wish I had failed 1st grade." To which I said, "WHAT?? Why?". He said "so I could be with you again next year.". Melted my heart 🙂
You have a great blog! I'm jealous of your techy skills! Stop by and see me at my blog sometime!
Absolutely amazing! If only we could stay with the same loving kiddies forever! But then they'd eventually get bored of all of our fun antics!
I'll head over to your blog now!