Over summer break, I attempted to clean off my bookshelves and found that I had accumulated an ENTIRE BOOKSHELF full of paperwork from PDs. I had all intentions of digitizing it but wasn’t really sure how. Over the next few months I played around with a few options and really love the one I ended up with. Come Christmas break, I cleared off that entire shelf and now every piece of paperwork is digital!
Are you ready to clear off your bookshelf and organize your PD notes in a much more effective manner? Let’s do this!

First things first, download Evernote so you can follow along.

Not too bad, right? Hopefully this helps you organize all your your papers and declutter. Plus… once it’s set up, it will help ensure you keep track of your professional development hours as you go!
I LOVE this idea – have always take my own notes at any PD and often plenty then I end up with papers that I don't want to get rid of but I don't know what to do with them but I know the concepts were important. On top of that you can never find it when you want it!! I know what I am doing from now on and in my next down time – thank you