This is a super fun tip… I could have used it back when I did my student teaching in 2nd grade! It would have been perfect to go along with my lesson plans for the students animal research projects! Anyhow… this week I’ll be writing about how to make google search only specific websites! This is the perfect trick for introducing students to online research through safe websites!

If you want to know how to add that code to your blog, you can check out my previous tutorial here:
I never knew about this! Thanks for sharing and the link to the tutorial.
Fifth Grade Wit and
Hi Jessica,
I'd like to start by saying that your Blog looks great!!! My name is Martin and I'm a teacher from Canada. I just started a new website called Resources4teaching where educators can buy and sell lessons and educational resources. We are new and are looking for people to join and put up their materials for sale on our website. We are having an iPad draw for the first 100 Vendors who join and upload at least 1 lesson /resource for sale on our website. There are absolutely no fees to join and you get to keep 70% of the profit. You can visit us at:
If you know any other teachers who might be interested in this Website, please forward this to them and if you have any questions, feel free to message me.
Have a great day