I had so much fun doing this ending blends unit with my students! They loved the interactive smartboard games and segmenting words along with the video! I have to make it a point to make more smartboard games… the students love being able to stand up at the smartboard during centers and love checking their answers!
Ending Blends Video (FREE!)
For this ending blends unit, I decided to make a video for the students to watch… and I decided to post that video for free! It’s perfect for introducing the concept with your class (or reviewing it!)
Ending Blends Smartboard Game: CVCC Word Shapes
I made this for all of my visual learners… they love seeing the “shapes” of their words!
Ending Blends Smartboard Game: Silly CVCC Sentences
You’ll be laughing along with your students as they read these silly sentences and find the matching picture!
Ending Blends Smartboard Game: Write the CVCC Ending Blend
Write in the missing ending blend and check your answer!
Ending Blends Smartboard Game: Find the CVCC Picture
Practice decoding CVCC words and finding the matching picture in this fun game!
Ending Blends Smartboard Game: CVCC Word Value
This is always a favorite of my students… add up the value of your words using these Scrabble-like tiles!
Ending Blends/CVCC Words Smartboard Games Bundle
If you want to grab all five of this games in a bundle, click the picture below. It’ll save you 30%!
And of course, for a quick giveaway: the first person to comment on this will get all of the games for free! Just be sure to leave me your email address!
Wow! B_beynon@hotmail.com. Looks great 🙂
Your products are always amazing!! My kids love them. I will check it out on TPT. tgcrzy4u32@gmail.com Have a great day.
Thanks for the freebie! Someday I'll be the first commenter! 🙂