In class lately, we’ve been working on the key words that tell us to add or subtract when we hear a word problem. I made some cute posters for these and figured I’d share them in both color and black/white.

The actual posters are obviously much higher quality than the preview image below! Click each of the pictures to check them out!
On another note, how is it June already? I know I’m a bit late on this one… but here is the Problem of the Day for June/July! If you want to read about the routine, head on over here.
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy the new items!
Found you at Manic Monday, Jessica – thanks for the freebie! I love the way you use students' names in the Problem of the Day – what a clever way to keep interest high!
They really love it! I initially planned on typing my students' names into it, but I didn't want to have to reprint in each year so I usually just replace it verbally… and they just love it!
These are great. I love word problems. It's also a great way to integrate ELA Common Core Standards with Math.
LMN Tree
Very true! I hadn't even thought of that, but it does address a lot of skills! Word problems are the best… one of my favorite projects is when my kids write their own word problems. They're always so creative!
Found you from Maniac Monday. My children typically have a hard time with word problems, so we practice daily. Thanks for the hard work you put into these!
Learning is for Superstars
The daily practice makes such a difference! I hope you're able to use these with your class!