I have so many exciting things to write about today!
First things first, I created another set of monthly frames (similar to my September/Back to School Frames). This time, it’s a set of 22 frames… and they’re all FREE!!! On a side note, this is the 75th product I have posted at TPT and the 38th freebie! Click the picture to grab them at TPT (and be sure to check out my other products and freebies while you’re there!!)
On another exciting note… yesterday was my birthday! I took some
time to relax and enjoy myself with some of my favorite people! I made
this fun e-card as a birthday present to myself.. and it was much more
fun than cutting out the lamination that I’m still avoiding!

While I was making that fun e-card I got an email from Charity over at Classroom Freebies to let me that I’ve been moved up from Classroom Freebies Too up to the “big leagues” … Classroom Freebies! Thank you Charity!
Now for the giveaway shout out… Dana over at Fun in First Grade is having a MEGA giveaway! You can literally win EVERYTHING in this giveaway… including gift cards to VistaPrint or Starbucks, a pencil sharpener, winner’s choice from 28 TPT stores, 22 other items from TPT stores. You don’t want to miss it… so click the picture below to check it out now!!!
Whew! I think that was enough for one post! Have a great week… and be sure to cast your vote for the technology poll this week… it’s a close one!
Happy {belated} birthday!
Sara 🙂
Smiling In Second Grade
Thank you!
Happy Birthday and congrats on the CF move! 🙂
The Learning Tree
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the e-card! And the frames! Happy birthday!
Enter my HUGE 500 follower giveaway @ Fun in 1st Grade
Thanks! I hope everyone heads over to check out your giveaway!!
Happy Birthday Friend! I hope you enjoyed your weekend!
Thank you again for these amazing frames! I can't wait to use them!
Have a fabulous week!
Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe
Thank you! Have a great week as well!
Happy birthday! Congratulation on becoming a contributor to Classroom Freebies! That's awesome!
Surfing to Success
Thanks! It was the best news to receive on my birthday!!
Happy Belated Birthday! I love your e-card! Very funny!
Teaching Maths with Meaning